
Drawing Death

Stories becoming art

Matthew Donnellon
Em Dash
Published in
3 min readSep 10, 2023


Photo by Fey Marin on Unsplash

Death is one of my favorite characters to write about.

If you;ve read my work for any length of time you;d know how often he pops up.

He’s a fun character for me. As for most people, Death is a mystery. Where do we go? What happens to us?

Are we shuffled off to a new plane of existence or are we doomed to take a dirt nap for all eternity.

Like everyone else my life has been touched by death.

I lost my great-grandparents when I was young. I was too young to truly get what happened but old enough that something important happened.

I’ve lost dogs. That was hard. Different than losing people but incredibly hard in its own way.

I lost my grandfather six years ago. That was rough. He was sick for a couple weeks but was turning the corner. He was just about to leave the hospital when we lost him.

That was rough. The old man was made from shoe leather and scrap iron. He faced down cancer three times and won.

And, I lost my best friend. He died when I was twenty years old. I think thats when the Death character really started to emerge for me.



Matthew Donnellon
Em Dash

Matthew Donnellon is a writer, artist, and sit down comedian. He is the author of The Curious Case of Emma Lee and Other Stories.