Season Two Recap — That’s a wrap!

Charlton Cunningham
The Keystone
Published in
3 min readAug 4, 2020
The Keystone Podcast, Season Two Interview Guests

Hello Ecosystem Builders! It’s been a minute since we connected last so we wanted to say hello and catch you up on what we’ve been up to. We started recording Season 2 of our show in the “before times” when life seemed more simple and predictable. Little did we know, we were entering the most uncertain few months of our lives. We do our best to produce evergreen content that can be relevant at all times, and feel pretty lucky that even with the craziness of 2020 the content of our episodes is still extremely relevant to our listeners — self care, remote work, diversified funding and of course diversity and inclusion.

If you’re tuning in for the first time, this episode serves as a primer, a chance to hear some headlines so you can hop in to the episodes that are most relevant to you. If you’re a long time listener, this episode might feel more like a walk down memory lane!

Either way, enjoy! And reach out with any questions or comments, we love to connect with you.

And stay tuned, for the kickoff of our offseason starting next week.

Episode Link:

Season 2 Episodes:

#1- Brad Feld — What has changed since publishing The Startup Community Way. Transitioning to Boulder, the rise of Techstars and becoming an ecosystem builder.

#2- Aaron Bolzle— How and why the George Kaiser Foundation created Tulsa Remote. The importance of culture and community in attracting the workers of the future.

#3- Kiera Smalls — How to practice self-care as an ecosystem builder. The impact taking care of yourself can have on your extended community.

#4- Srinivas Kollipara — The cultural shift in India enabling the growth of entrepreneurship. How the government has instilled entrepreneurial thinking into their education system.

#5- Holly Beilin & Monique Villa — How storytelling strengthens regional communities. Ecosystem building as economic development and funding for this work.

#6- Tony Bacigalupo — The origins of coworking, thoughts on Wework, and the future of the space. Current state of co-working due to COVID-19.

#7- Scott Dorsey — How Scott started Exact Target in Indianapolis and his reflections on its advantages and disadvantages. Why investing in the Midwest is a great choice.

#8- Joey Arora —What AFWERX does to help bring innovation to the military. How entrepreneurs can get access to programs and capital opportunities that the military offers.

#9- Kizito Okechukwu — How a week long entrepreneurship celebration (GEW) led to the launch of 22 on Sloan, Africa’s largest startup campus. How Johannesburg can be a top 10 city for innovation in the world

#10- Ellen Webber & Chuck Sacco — Fostering entrepreneurial mindset across the university landscape. How Temple and Drexel University are integrating their students into the city wide entrepreneurial ecosystem.

#11- Scott Resnick — How ecosystem builders can identify and engage with politicians interested in entrepreneurship.

#12- Melissa Bradley — The evolution of funding opportunities for underestimated communities and several of the leaders in the field. Thoughts on the current state and future of Black VCs.

Thank you to our partners AFWERX and Startup Space for making this show possible. You can learn more about The Keystone at Ecosystem.Builders and connect with us on social media (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) to stay up to date on future episodes.



Charlton Cunningham
The Keystone

Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Builder. Building up social capital, leveraging it for others. Musing on startup communities, & other things.