5 Ways to Make Your Remote Work Meetings Better

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues into another year, many industries have had to change how they work and communicate..

Aleksey (Aleks) Weyman
The KickStarter
Published in
5 min readAug 24, 2021


Originally published on millennialmoderator.com by Diana Nadim

With lockdowns, quarantines, and isolation becoming more standard, most people around the world have now shifted to working from home. Remote working has changed the way employees and employers interact in an out-of-office environment. To keep the teams connected and boost productivity levels, companies have to set up virtual meetings and check-ins. Just like face-to-face meetings, these remote alternatives have to be well executed for them to be effective. How can you make remote work meetings better? Here’s a guide that can help.

What are Remote Work Meetings?

These are meetings conducted outside of a traditional office environment or in a specific place where individuals need to interact face-to-face. With remote work, this concept allows professionals to work and meet efficiently using virtual tools and dial-in via video-conferencing platforms from different locations. With technology and a network connection, remote teams can meet from different parts of the world by logging in to virtual platforms, such…



Aleksey (Aleks) Weyman
The KickStarter

Chief yearner 🙇🏼 Writer and explorer of many topics including tech, lifestyle, self improvement and more.