Aspire to Appreciate

Naomi Loree
The KickStarter
Published in
4 min readJul 20, 2020
Photo by Canva

Do you show yourself appreciation? Too often we don’t give ourselves the appreciation that we deserve. Instead we’re focused on what we need to do to better ourselves or our lives. Don’t get me wrong it’s important to focus on these things but not a lot of people realize, if you don’t take the time to truly appreciate yourself and your journey it can cause a lot of issues!

You can lose touch with reality, hindering you from being happy in the present moment. By constantly keeping your focus on the future you lose precious time in the present. It can also cause other issues such as feeling overwhelmed, losing motivation, negatively affect self-worth and it can even impact your relationships.

I have personally gotten stuck here way too often. I’ve been busy looking at all I had to do and forgot to look back on how far I had come. I hold very high standards for myself which means I expect a lot. If I didn’t feel like I was achieving my goals and reaching my expectations my thought patterns took a negative twist.

Let me explain. In the past I have set specific goals. Some examples are eating healthier, working out more, becoming a better person, and building a successful career. So first I would jump in full force, doing everything possible to meet that goal. I would go all in dedicating everything to that goal so intensely I would burn myself out, lose motivation, and just give up. Then the negative self talk would start.

I am so lazy…

I’m not smart enough…

I can never stick to anything…

I’m not good enough…

I would then go into a downward spiral of self sabotage completely picking apart my confidence and self worth.

Any of this sounds familiar? It’s not any specific goal that I’m focusing on here, it’s the mindset. Think of the way you talk to yourself. If somebody else talked to you that way would it help you? Would you even let it happen? I’m not talking about tough love. I’m talking about when you completely tear yourself apart in a way that is not beneficial whatsoever.

I’m speaking from experience when I tell you THAT WON’T HELP! It just makes it worse because now you’re in the cycle of focusing so far in the future then returning to the present in a grumpy, bitchy, self-loathing state. Then you jump back to the future saying things to yourself like “I’ll be happy when I lose this 10 pounds” or “I’ll be happy when I get that promotion”. Listen to me! Don’t wait to be happy! Be happy now the rest will fall into place. You’re still going to have to work for it but do it in a way that you can actually enjoy the journey.

I’ve come to realize it’s really about finding that balance between achieving things you need to achieve in order to be successful and giving yourself a freaking break. If you dive in head first and never come up to the surface for some air you’re going to drown. Instead what needs to happen is you need to build a habit. Keep moving forward in small enough steps that you can comfortably achieve them while also being able to live and be happy throughout the journey.

Are you one of those people who feel bad for taking a break? You have so much to do but instead you’re sitting there doing nothing. That’s your inner self telling you it needs some attention and appreciation. As cliché as it sounds you cannot pour from an empty cup.

Remember to schedule yourself a break day. A day that is dedicated for you to rest, recharge, and appreciate yourself. You are NOT allowed to feel guilty for taking this well-deserved break. Scheduling yourself a break day will keep you motivated. It’s something to look forward to. If you’re sitting there telling yourself you don’t have time, I highly suggest you make some. Doing so will make you more productive, build a better habit, and stop the useless pattern of overexertion then burnout. Making the time will actually give you more.

You want to achieve your goals? You want to be successful? You want to be truly happy? It all starts with appreciating yourself. So show yourself some appreciation! Change your perspective.

When you lose motivation or come across a roadblock instead of ripping yourself apart give yourself some love. Look back on how far you’ve come and what you’ve achieved. Appreciate the efforts you have put in and the fact that you care enough to keep trying.

Switch the negative self talk to positive! Instead of beating yourself down, lift yourself up. Say things like:

I deserve a break!

Look how far I’ve come (list out your achievements).

By taking a break I’m giving myself the attention I need.

I’m just filling my cup first.

Resting will give me more motivation.

Being present and happy is what’s important.

You need to create a successful healthy habit. One that gets you to where you need to be but also gives you happiness and fulfillment in the process.

It all starts with appreciating yourself!



Naomi Loree
The KickStarter

I’m an Intuitive Mindset Coach who helps spiritual entrepreneurs work with their subconscious mind to manifest wealth and abundance in their life and business!