Future of Work — Being Self-Dependent

Srish Agrawal
The KickStarter
Published in
1 min readJun 17, 2020

The Future of Work will need us to be…

1. Self-Motivated
2. Self-Managed
3. Self-Disciplined
4. Self-Learner

We should stop expecting that someone will motivate us.

We should stop expecting that someone will push us to perform the duties that we are supposed to perform.

We have to enhance our skill & knowledge, we have to push and motivate ourselves — all by our own Self-Initiative.

At times certain conveniences put us in a comfort zone and we expect someone to come and pull us out of it. Let’s STOP expecting and START by become a Self-Starter.

Moving on, Self-Drive is going to be the ONLY way to survive, thrive and grow, Period!

Basically, we have to be Self-Dependent.

Are we Ready?

#FutureofWork #Motivation #AtmaNirbhar



Srish Agrawal
The KickStarter

Entrepreneur. Branding Consultant. Internet Marketing Expert. Angel Investor. Founder - A1 Future Technologies, @LogoDesignTeam @InfoGraphicTeam @AnimatedV