Harvard to Minimum Wage: How I Found Out I Had ADD

Aron Croft
The KickStarter
Published in
2 min readOct 6, 2020

After getting into Harvard, my life took a 15-year nosedive of epic fails.

Not many people know this, but after getting into Harvard, my life took a 15-year nosedive of epic fails.

I was on the “6 year plan” to graduate, twice dropping out for a year. After that, I bombed in my first 6 jobs and businesses. And then I failed out of my first marriage.

At 32 years old, I was broke, divorced, and earning just above minimum wage.

But the last 7 years have been different.

Completely different.

In that time, I’ve built up a successful Fortune 500 career, gotten married to an amazing woman, and regained my confidence and power.

What changed?

Obviously, a lot.

But I’ve kept one of the most critical factors in my turnaround a secret.

Until now.

Here is my secret:

My turnaround would not have happened without treatment for previously-undiagnosed ADD.

Why share now?

I kept this diagnosis secret because there are high downsides — and few upsides — to disclosing it in Corporate America.

But recently, some people told me that others would benefit from hearing about my experience. That they would appreciate knowing the strategies I used to recover from 15 years of failure and to succeed as a Fortune 500 senior manager with ADD.

So I am starting to share. It will mostly be on my new YouTube channel, Hidden ADD. But in the spirit of sharing my story more broadly, I also wanted to disclose it here.

If you’re curious

The first question many people ask is, “How can someone with ADD get into Harvard?” I explain it in that video.

What’s your story…?

Were you diagnosed later in life like me? Have you found any coping strategies that work well in the corporate world?



Aron Croft
The KickStarter

Harvard Grad. Master’s in Psychology. Screwed up jobs & marriage in 20s with undiagnosed ADHD. Sharing how I rebuilt my life and career. On YT and HiddenADD.com