Store Data in Google Sheets using Xamarin iOS & Android apps

Swiftly create a simple backend for your Feedback page

The First Prototype
The KickStarter
Published in
5 min readJul 5, 2020


There have been questions on StackOverflow asking how to use Google Sheets to store data using Xamarin, as a quick and simple database. After finding no articles online, I decided to spend a few hours to figure it out. Using the steps below, you can use a Restful POST API call to send data from Xamarin iOS & Android apps, to instantly populate rows in a Google Sheet.

Your entire backend web service is ready with just 20 lines of code


We are going to demonstrate adding rows to a Google Sheet using a Feedback form to collect user feedback. Why did I choose this specific use case? If you are an Indie mobile developer, you probably know that collecting feedback can be important, so if you know a user is not satisfied with the app, you can redirect the user to this Feedback page instead of the Play/App Store. Note that this procedure doesn’t implement any authentication, so it cannot replace a backend, and I would also not recommend using this in production apps that require security.

What do you need to follow this? You just need Visual Studio with Xamarin installed on your Windows or Mac computer, and a Google Drive account…

