What are “Spirituality and Meditation” - Is There Any Difference?

Pushpender Yadav
The KickStarter
Published in
6 min readJul 24, 2020


Let’s find this out.

spirituality and meditation
Photo by Robert Collins on Unsplash

Let’s talk about something different and try to make a difference.

Spirituality and meditation are two common words that people are trying to implement in their lives.

Writing this article is quite difficult for me, as many people out there spreading knowledge about spirituality and meditation.

That’s why — I was thinking to present ideas differently in front of you people so that you can implement these ideas in your life to have maximum benefits.

By looking at the current situation of the world, anyone can grasp that there is a critical need for spirituality and meditation.

As people are getting dispersed, suicides are increasing, and people are getting apart from each other.

These problems occur due to the “lack of awareness” of the self, including not having enough tolerance powers to deal with the situation of life.

Why are people failing to situations of their lives?

One of the reason is their minds are filled with lies, and another reason is they’re not aware of their inner soul powers.

As many of you’re knowledgeable that the human body has two dimensions.

