What Happens When A Remote Agile Team Member Gets Covid-19?

Respond with immediate concern, care, and compassion.

Lisa Bradburn
The KickStarter
Published in
3 min readApr 12, 2021


Mass group of people congregate in Mumbai
Crowds In Mumbai, India | Image By CRS PHOTO, Shutterstock

Pretend you work on a team primarily comprised of offshore members from India. Quite a plausible consideration.

For a moment, let’s also assume you have never physically met your coworkers, except via video conferencing.

Also realistic.

Say your critical offshore Development Lead gets Covid-19 and will be out of commission for some time.

What is the best way to respond for maximum impact?

Our team faced this particular challenge.

Here, we discuss how Covid-19 impacts remote agile teams while also providing a compassionate idea on how best to respond to the person you serve.

Like many global cultures, Indian families are tight-knit and may have several people or even several generations living together under one roof.

In populated city centers such as Mumbai, space is at a premium, and apartments can be tiny.

Living conditions make the situation that much more precarious and increases the possibility of catching covid and spreading it amongst family members.



Lisa Bradburn
The KickStarter

Psychotherapist (RPQ) & Coach at the intersection of faith, technology, and the human condition. Let’s chat: lbradburn@gestaltmail.ca