What Spelling Mistakes Taught Me About Living An Agile Mindset.

A first impression meant looking past judgment and opening the door.

Lisa Bradburn
The KickStarter
Published in
3 min readJan 9, 2021


Group of Diverse People Hands Together Teamwork Cooperation
Group Of Diverse People Holding Each Other Up | Image By Rawpixel.com, Shutterstock

When we reach out to strangers on social media seeking advice or knowledge, first impressions mean everything. And since people live busy lives, how we present ourselves determines whether an individual will respond.

In the past day, a random woman on LinkedIn contacted me for knowledge about Scrum Master roles in Toronto and applicable rates. She claimed she lives in Toronto; however, her profile and all accompanying details show she is in India. Nonetheless, what caught me off guard is the conversational tone, echoing how young people may text their friends.

LinkedIn Message To Lisa Bradburn

When I read the message, I felt an internal conflict. The most comfortable choice was to ignore the request like it doesn’t exist. However, I reminded myself of the golden rule from Leviticus:

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. — Jesus.

Believer or not, there is some sage wisdom here — yes, even for a LinkedIn message. When people avoid me, I…



Lisa Bradburn
The KickStarter

Psychotherapist (RPQ) & Coach at the intersection of faith, technology, and the human condition. Let’s chat: lbradburn@gestaltmail.ca