Who do you want to be from now on?

Here’s how two clients used the pandemic as their reset button.

David Langton
The KickStarter


It’s time to build a communication plan that tells your supporters who you intend to be going forward.

After a year of remote work, limited interactions, and lots of time for reflection, it’s time to decide who you really are. Now is the time to seize the moment by reintroducing yourself to your public. Here’s how we guided two of our clients from “before” the pandemic to “after” the pandemic in branding and communications.

More Than Just the Boys of Summer

Before the pandemic, The Arts Project at Cherry Grove was known as the longest-running LGBTQ theatre in America, their Community House in Fire Island is recognized by the National Registry. The Arts Project Board recognized a need to expand beyond the “G” in LGBTQ and wanted to be more inclusive by attracting more women, young people, and people of color. The “AP (Cherry) G” logo was popular and familiar among the Fire Island regulars, but confusing to newcomers. So, we created a new logo that spelled out the name and added the LGBTQ flag colors to the iconic “cherry.” The logo and name now clearly signal to new audiences that this is a prominent LGBTQ organization. (It’s also much easier to reproduce in…



David Langton
The KickStarter

Founder of New York branding design firm Langton Creative Group, co-author of Visual Marketing, and adjunct professor at Hostos College/CUNY.