Who Do You Write Like?

Did the online quiz get it right?

Maria Blackman
The KickStarter


Which contemporary author do you most write like? I stumbled upon an online quiz that promised to tell me this vital piece of information. The website promised it would only be one minute and I was gearing myself up for an hour or two of writing, so I took the quiz.

I suspect it was a bit tongue in cheek, and I answered the questions in that spirit. Obviously, the quiz only had a limited number of results. Still, I found the result interesting, if not flattering that my writing could be in the same league as the esteemed Arundhati Roy! Perhaps if I stick with writing long enough, I may win the Booker Prize or top the New York Times bestseller list?

I have read The God of Small Things more than once and it is a beautiful novel; beautiful even when it depicts scenes of human cruelty, violence and injustice. Beautiful despite such ugly things. If my novel, once finished, is half as good as Roy’s, then I will be very happy with myself.

But to come back to my original question, who do you write like? I don’t think my writing is that much like Roy. She is an Indian author, living and working in India, whereas I’m Australian, and have mostly lived and worked in Australia.

I don’t aspire to write like someone else, even if it is someone as successful as Roy. I write for myself, primarily, but I write every day to develop my own style and voice. I write so that I can write like myself. For all of you aspiring writers out there, know that you don’t have to write like anyone else, just yourself.



Maria Blackman
The KickStarter

Writer and artist from Perth, Western Australia. I write about art, books, identity and more. Find me on Twitter @blackman_maria