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Your Cap Table is Sending Messages to the Outside World

Make sure it sends the ones you want

Jonathan Woahn
Published in
5 min readSep 10, 2020


The design of your cap table sends messages both to future employees and to investors. It’s unavoidable.

There are obvious messages, like:

  • Which founder wears the pants in the relationship?
  • How generous were the founders in distributing equity?
  • How disciplined have the founders been in fundraising?

Plus many more, interesting psycho-analysis questions you could derive from how the cap table is split.

A plethora of articles have been written on this topic, and I do not intend to add to them.

My intention with this article is to discuss the optics of the actual design of your cap table. I share three interesting questions that will play a tangible role in your company’s future (at least they have in mine) and took brain cycles to correct or resolve. This article outlines the results of those cycles.

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Jonathan Woahn

Founder Coach & Startup Advisor. Husband. Father. 4X startups. Entrepreneurship, web3, leadership, and self-actualization enthusiast.