How The Kinetic Experience was born. Part 2

Brianna Taeuber
The Kinetic Experience
3 min readApr 20, 2018

At The Kinetic Experience, we connect entrepreneurs with the resources and education they need to be successful. With the help of Subject Matter Experts we are creating a modern business school. We believe that knowledge and resources can be the key to a business succeeding.

“Internships and work experience are a proven method of getting your foot in the door.” — Duane Strauss

We don’t believe in sending interns to fetch coffee or only giving them the grunt work. Internships were created to offer practical work experience within a particular occupation. Some intern for college credit. Others intern for the experience. Many people use internships as a chance to see if they like a particular industry. Either way, they should be walking away with valuable skills and knowledge. Interns should be allowed to try new things, to ask questions. Their time and value should be respected, as well as their skills.

Our goal is to help people discover which aspect of business they wish to pursue further. Once they know what that is, we move them into our apprenticeship model. Apprenticeship is teaching the next generation a profession through on the job training lead by a master in that field. This is where people get to dig deep into what interests them and learn from the best. Such learning is invaluable and cannot be found in textbooks. The best ways to master something is to learn from a master. People have to go and do.

We wanted to expand the apprentice model to create a greater impact in our community. This is why we created the Apprentice Projects. We created a collaborative learning environment that pairs people eager to learn with seasoned entrepreneurs. We talk about things like marketing, content creation, and e-commerce. We have given people a place to ask their questions and they walk away with skills they can put into practice that very day. Great things happen when like-minded people are allowed to network and learn by doing.

We know that sometimes entrepreneurs, even established business owners, need help growing their knowledge in certain areas. That is where our school comes in. We have a wide variety of classes taught by subject matter experts who are passionate about helping other entrepreneurs succeed. These are real people who are a part of our network. They have a deep knowledge of their fields that comes from years of experience, and we are helping them share it with the world.

Some of our classes include: how to form an LLC in Texas, leadership, team building, experience design, growth hacking, customer service, and user experience. We will have sections on marketing, accounting, professional development, and more. We are even including classes on mindset and mindfulness, as these are often underrated parts of being an entrepreneur.

All in all, we want to give people the tools they need to succeed.



Brianna Taeuber
The Kinetic Experience

Storyteller. Blogger. Wordsmith. My passion is helping others tell their stories.