The Apprentice Projects: A Recap

Brianna Taeuber
The Kinetic Experience
4 min readApr 24, 2018
Photo by Dylan Gillis on Unsplash

On March 21 we held the second of a series of events called the Apprentice Projects. These events are a chance for like-minded people to come together and learn. People can ask questions about anything related to business and get an answer from a seasoned entrepreneur. Answers that are based on learned experience are more reliable than answers from Google.
This time we covered a wide variety of topics. How did we decide on these topics? We asked the attendees to write down any and all questions they may have related to business. They asked some excellent questions. Jannica Morton, one of our subject matter experts, lead the conversation.

(Kourtnei, Theresa, Ann, Jannica, Ginger, Sean and son)

Many of the questions had to do with marketing and, more specifically, branding. The phrase ‘build your brand’ is thrown around a lot but it can be unclear as to what exactly this entails. Everyone in our group from the entrepreneurial high schoolers, to the person with years of experience in international telecommunication, to the ghostwriter, to those interested in holistic health and a college student building a dropshipping store wanted to know more about branding. They wanted to know what it is, what it looks like, and how to do it either for themselves or their business.

The first topic we tackled was how to create leads in a business. The business in question did not offer tangible products, instead offering services in marketing and public relations. Jannica recommended offering downloadable projects, either in the form of a list of tips or a worksheet. This can be a great way to generate a mailing list while giving the customer a tangible product. People can also research companies within their target industry. Setting up Google alerts is one way to track patterns and spot any areas in which they may need assistance. This is a prime example of targeted marketing.

“People don’t know that they need you until you show them what their problem is”- Jenn

The conversation eventually turned to the topic of blogging. Once again, this is something that is mentioned a lot but not often explained. Having a blog is a great way to showcase your knowledge in a certain area, but it can be tough to maintain. For people who struggle getting their thoughts on paper, there are a wide variety of voice-to-text and transcription services available online. In the case of the person with the PR/marketing agency, sharing case studies of work she did with previous clients is an excellent way to use a blog. Not only does it showcase her skills and knowledge, but it can also help attract similar companies to her. This is an example of what we call “inbound marketing,” where the customers come to you instead of the other way around.

From blogging, we turned to LinkedIn marketing. LinkedIn is used by most people for professional networking, but it can also prove to be a useful marketing tool. What is not effective, however, as Jannica discovered with one of her clients, is the practice of marketing through paid ads on LinkedIn. While it may work on other sites, it is not anywhere near as impactful as an organic reach on LinkedIn.

There are a few things you can do to build your reach on LinkedIn. Share articles written by people in your industry. Join conversations and make sure to tag other people and companies. It may seem counterintuitive, but it can help bolster your reputation. LinkedIn has showcase pages that are perfect for promoting your products and services. If you have a page for your business, you can use product pages to do the same thing. Jannica also recommended regularly posting original content, around 4–5 pieces a day. It can be a lot of work, but in the end, it will pay off. You have to engage with your community if you want to be considered a thought leader.

If you would like to join us at one of the future events, you can register for the next Apprentice Project on May 26. It is our mission to equip everyone with the tools to make dreams come true. The events are free to anyone who registers, and we encourage you to invite any friends and family that are interested.



Brianna Taeuber
The Kinetic Experience

Storyteller. Blogger. Wordsmith. My passion is helping others tell their stories.