Arnold — This one was better than Sly’s docoumentary!

Subash Sarath Lakshmi
The King is nude
Published in
2 min readJun 25, 2024

For every Arnie fan!

Arnold the ini series on Netflix

Though Sly will always be my No1. action hero, I admired Arnie too and what a fabulous list of movies Arnold has to his credit, several of them action-movie standards. Starting with “Conan the Barbarian”, “Predator” “T2”, “True Lies”, “Commando”, “Total Recall”. I even liked the movies, “The 6'th day” and “T3”.

This documentary in three parts beats Sly’s documentary particularly in the way it was presented. It is longer though, a mini series.

From his beginnings as one of the greatest and probably the greatest body-builders of our times to leading action hero and then politician, Arnie’sjourney has been captured and presented well. Sylvester Stallone was competitor and this brought out the best in both of them. Both delivered some flops too.

Pumping Iron” the bodybuilding documentary showcasing Arnie, his friend Franco Columbu and the documentary that took bodybuilding to where it is today is mentioned and I would highly recommend that film too. Arnie is on top of his game both physically and mentally in that film. Lou Ferrigno was bigger than Arnie, yet Arnie wins the Mr. Olympia with ease, purely because of his confidence. After the loss to Arnie in that Mr. Olympia, Lou would never compete again till 1992. In fact he could easily won it the successive years considering the shape he was in and also considering the fact that Arnold quit professional body building competitions after his victory at South Africa.

Sad to see long enduring marriages break apart too but glad to see Arnold accepting his son from another relationship. Both of them training together is a lovely scene. The guy certainly has his father’s genes considering how well he is built.

Certainly worth a watch.



Subash Sarath Lakshmi
The King is nude

Software Programmer turned Technical Writer, Writer, Blogger, Trainer, spiritual seeker tyring to better my life and the lives of others via my writings.