David Blaine’s “Ascension”

Subash Sarath Lakshmi
The King is nude
Published in
2 min readSep 20, 2021

Truth is certainly stranger and more fascinating than fiction

Poster of David Blaine’s Ascension, courtesy YouTube

The last time I had this much sweaty feet and palms was while watching “Free Solo” (reviewed earlier). Many people actually don’t realize that David Blaine is also one of the world’s greatest stuntmen and endurance artists and this film is one of the finest testimonies to prove that. This was a YouTube original webcasted live and I can only imagine the adrenalin rush I would have had if I had watched it live last year. David calls it his most ambitious perfomance of his life and it sure is. Be prepared to give more than 2 hours (well I did forward some parts but not the ones after the ascent began). Bringing his sweet daughter Dessa to the sets and communicating with her during the ascent was another fine touch.

One other incerdible thing that David does and one that he should teach the world is the breathing exercise he does at these high altitudes that supplies almost 95% or more oxygen to his lungs. At these altitudes one can pass out due to lack of oxygen in the atmosphere and here he is without any external oxygen supply.

Incredible stuff. Highly recommended if you wish to know the power of the human spirit. The link to the film on YouTube is here below.



Subash Sarath Lakshmi
The King is nude

Software Programmer turned Technical Writer, Writer, Blogger, Trainer, spiritual seeker tyring to better my life and the lives of others via my writings.