Love me Instead — Turkey wins our hearts with this film

Does remind us of an older Mallu film

Love me instead poster

Not only is Turkey doing great at the Euros (they beat Austria yesterday to reach the quarter finals of EURO 2024), they can win us with films as these too. All I can say is that it is just amazing! I have been watching quite a few Turkish films but they are shocking as much as moving too because I never expected a predominently Muslim country to have a culture as this. Nevertheless the movies are stunning and in that list I would put this one, “Love me Instead”. Almost everyone cast in this film does a good job besides the main characters.

I will leave Mallu viewers to realize what was common in this film and an earlier Mallu one made in the 80’s.



Subash Sarath Lakshmi
The King is nude

Software Programmer turned Technical Writer, Writer, Blogger, Trainer, spiritual seeker tyring to better my life and the lives of others via my writings.