FEATURED MEMBER: Visual Artist Daniela Molar

The Knowledge Market
2 min readMay 25, 2017

What project are you most excited about working on right now?

“I’m busy working on my paintings and building some new college curriculum focused on the intersection of Art + Ecology. That’s mostly where my interests lie these days — finding new ways to continue to make art, teach art, and link art with activism.”

What do you enjoy most about teaching?

“I learn so much from each and every one of my students. I think of teaching as a powerful and crucially important social interaction that builds civil societies and open minds and hearts.”

What new skills are you interested in learning next?

“I would like to find ways to deepen my meditation practice, which is spotty at the moment. I’d also like to work with a master gardener to help figure out why my plants didn’t thrive last year!”

Any advice to other life-long learners?

“The artist Joseph Beuys said, ‘Everyone is an artist.’ I’ve held that same conviction for my entire adult life — everyone really can learn to draw, but more importantly, everyone can think like an artist, bringing creativity, clarity, and passion to every aspect of life.”



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