The 15 Greatest Human Innovations in All of History

No innovations or inventions in human history have been more important than these fifteen

David Graham
The Knowledge of Everything


Photo by Kvalifik on Unsplash

Humans are great innovators which is why we are great inventors, and every invention and innovation we come up with is greatly important for human advancement — no matter how big or small. But some are so profound that they change everything — normally because they lead to an explosion of further inventions and innovations.

Here are the fifteen inventions and innovations that have changed the world more than any other.

15. Evidence-based medicine

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

The medical advancements of the 1800s were such that the United Kingdom went from a population of 4 million at the beginning to a population of 40 million by the end. That’s a tenfold increase in just one hundred years.

The vast majority of that increase was born from the fact that medical practitioners had worked out how to stop children from dying with such ridiculous frequency — so the Victorians were not having more children than their ancestors, they were actually having less…



David Graham
The Knowledge of Everything

Due to injury I write using voice dictation software. Lover of psychology, science, humour, history, fiction & self-improvement.