The Top Ten Acts of Bravery from Human History That Changed the World Forever

Acts of bravery so inspirational they still inspire us to this day

David Graham
The Knowledge of Everything


Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash

Acts of courage and bravery are enacted by many around the world on a daily basis. Here are the top ten greatest reported acts of bravery in human history that changed the world.

Rosa Parks and the Montgomery bus Boycott

Rosa Parks at an event with Martin Luther King. By Unknown author — USIA / National Archives and Records Administration Records of the U.S. Information Agency Record Group 306, Public Domain,

On 1 December 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama, USA, Rosa Parks decided to make a stand. But a seated one. Under the rules of racial segregation, a black person by law had to give up a seat for a white person.

Buses were typically split between white sections and so-called “coloured” sections. Once the white sections had filled up, if any further white people got on the bus, black people had to make way and give up their seats to the white people.

But on this day, when bus driver James F Blake ordered Parks to vacate a row of four seats so that the white people could sit down, she refused.

“Why don’t you stand up?” Blake reportedly said. Parks responded: “I don’t think I…



David Graham
The Knowledge of Everything

Due to injury I write using voice dictation software. Lover of psychology, science, humour, history, fiction & self-improvement.