The Top Ten Kindest Acts in Human History That Changed the World Forever

Kindness is the most powerful weapon in existence, here are ten of the greatest from history

David Graham
The Knowledge of Everything


Photo by Andrew Thornebrooke on Unsplash

Acts of kindness happen on a daily basis, and every act of kindness is just as important as any other. But some are so profound that they change the world forever. Here are ten of the greatest reported acts of kindness in human history.

Luz Long advises Jesse Owens on his run-up — 1936 Olympics

Luz Long walking arm in arm with Jesse Owens through the Berlin Olympic Stadium

Coming into the 1936 Olympics, the event hosted by Hitler’s Nazis, African-American Jessie Owens was the world record holder for the long jump; however, during qualifying, he had foot-faulted twice and was at risk of not making the event’s final.

Step in German long-jumper Carl Ludwig Long a.k.a. Luz long, the European record holder. Long offered Owens advice on how to adjust his run-up to make the qualifying distance. He suggested that, as the qualifying distance was only 7.15 metres, and that Owens could jump more than 8 metres, he should shift his mark back to ensure that he took off well short of…



David Graham
The Knowledge of Everything

Due to injury I write using voice dictation software. Lover of psychology, science, humour, history, fiction & self-improvement.