How the Word Pussy Came to Mean a Cat, Cowardly, and Female Genitalia

Ever wondered why a pussy means a cat and a vagina, here is why

David Graham
The Knowledge of Freedom


Photo by Manja Vitolic on Unsplash

This is one of those random posts which came about in the most random of ways. I was speaking to a friend and for some reason or another, I have no clue what reason, the subject of the origins of the word pussy came up. Why does pussy mean a cat, female genitalia, and a coward/wimp?

Perhaps the coward/wimp could be explained, after all, there is the word scaredy-cat. But the link to female genitalia definitely seems a stretch. I sure as hell cannot think of any time when looking at a lady’s downstairs department that I thought, wow, that reminds me of a cat.

The question is, what gives?

Well, after doing a bit of googling, the first thing that gives is that there seems to be a good number of people who disagree with me, and think a cat does remind them of a lady’s downstairs.

As such, many argue this is the link, arguing that because female genitalia are soft and gentle like cats, this is why pussy means vagina.



David Graham
The Knowledge of Freedom

Due to injury I write using voice dictation software. Lover of psychology, science, humour, history, fiction & self-improvement.