I Finally Watched the Video of Me Being Raped — It Was Eye-Opening

And not for the reasons you think

Elicia Jane
The Knowledge of Freedom


Photo by Marina Vitale on Unsplash

Not many people can say they caught themselves being raped on camera, but I am one of those. However, despite having the footage for over 15 years, until recently I had never watched it.

I also have never sought a prosecution, I still don’t intend to. My reasoning was and is simple, as a former escort, if I ever went to court, they would bring my background as a former escort up.

At the time, I had no desire for that to happen. I still don’t.

But anyway, I had never watched the footage, but then a few weeks back, I did watch it and I was glad I had waited so long.

To explain why, I first need to recount the experience as I remember it.

The experience of one of the darkest days of my life — as I remember it

Disclaimer: sexual violence trigger warnings ahead, read on with caution.

It was March 2008, and I had to record some interviews for a course I was doing.

*Darryl was due to come over at 11 o’clock to film such an interview for me. He was taking an early lunch to help me out, but I totally lost track of time, as such, when the…



Elicia Jane
The Knowledge of Freedom

Former sex worker, former sex clinic worker. Psychology degree, currently work as a therapist. I write about sex, relationships, humans and human rights.