The Rich Are Getting Richer While Everyone Else is Getting Poorer — This is the Real Reason Why

If you want to know why the rich keep getting so much richer, this is it

David Graham
The Knowledge of Freedom


Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

Ever since the 1970s, the gap between the wealthy and everyone else has been rising rapidly, in the process, reversing a century of progress towards wealthy equality.

For example, the Centre for Social Justice has found that the UK is on course for a Victorian-era style wealth gap, with 13.4 million people in a situation where they are blighted by family fragility, crime, stagnant wages, poor housing, and chronic ill health.

But it’s not just the UK where this is happening, it is everywhere.

I’ve talked before about why this is happening, and how health problems like rising obesity, and mental health issues, added to relationship instability, are combining to make it harder for people to climb the class ladder i.e. to climb class levels you need good health and a stable supportive environment.

However, in this post what I want to talk about is why especially the top 1 percent are leaving everyone so rapidly behind.

After all, the top 1 percent are accounting for evermore of the wealth of the top 10 percent, and those in the top 10 percent…



David Graham
The Knowledge of Freedom

Due to injury I write using voice dictation software. Lover of psychology, science, humour, history, fiction & self-improvement.