The Story That Proves Cats Truly Are Mystical Creatures

The story of how a Houdini-like cat somehow kept getting stuck below the floorboards and yet nobody could work out how

David Graham
The Knowledge of Laughter


Photo by me

When it comes to cats and their ability to squeeze into spaces so small that it defies belief, even Einstein himself would have to admit that the only explanation could be some mystical powers.

During my years volunteering for an animal fostering charity, I saw evidence of these powers in use many times. From the full-grown cat that hid behind a DVD player in the TV cabinet, a space so small that logically speaking you would think a hamster would have struggled to fit into it; to the cat that somehow squeezed under a fence which had a clearance level of just a few inches.

One story especially stood out, it was told to me by a fellow volunteer at the charity, and no story I have ever heard better encapsulates the true mystical powers of cats to get into places that they never should be able to than this one.

The cat’s name was Snowdrop, and the volunteer who was looking after her was called Nicole. One day Nicole came home, and to her horror found that Snowdrop was not there. She searched the entire house for him, every possible hiding place she could think of. There was not a sign…



David Graham
The Knowledge of Laughter

Due to injury I write using voice dictation software. Lover of psychology, science, humour, history, fiction & self-improvement.