We Need to Stop Blaming the Patriarchal System for Toxic Masculinity — It’s More Complex Than That

It’s popular to blame the patriarchal system for everything these days, however, the roots of toxic masculinity come from a deeper place

Elicia Jane
The Knowledge of Freedom


Photo by Priscilla Gyamfi on Unsplash

In the pre-Industrial Revolution world, the patriarchal system made a hell of a lot of sense and benefited men and women alike, which is why it lasted so long in the form it did, only changing when the world changed, which led us to change with it — rightly so, it’s no good clinging to the past system when a better system for the new world is staring us in the face.

However, misunderstandings about the way the old world worked and its links to toxic masculinity are holding us back from progressing.

The patriarchal system does not need the idea of male superiority to keep functioning

In Ancient Egypt men and women were equally revered but in different ways, which is why they had so many male and female gods, and in Ancient Egypt, women earned just as much as men if they did a job, and often ran the businesses for their husbands when the men were away, divorce was also legal, and the terms per the laws were more favourable to…



Elicia Jane
The Knowledge of Freedom

Former sex worker, former sex clinic worker. Psychology degree, currently work as a therapist. I write about sex, relationships, humans and human rights.