Welcome to the team, Bart!

Sander Jochems
The Kodular Korner
Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2020

What started as a small project nearly 3 years ago has today grown to become a mainstream product in the world of no-code app development. And with this growth has come a gradual expansion of our team. Hossein became part of Kodular in 2019 alongside the merger of AppyBuilder with Kodular to create a single platform for making apps.
Today, we're pleased to announce to you that the team is growing again with our new team member: Bart Mathijssen 👋

Bart Mathijssen, Associate Developer @ Kodular
Bart Mathijssen, Associate Developer @ Kodular

Bart is a very active contributor to the MIT App Inventor project, and is also a part of the @mit-cml organization. And he is a student, as are most of us, something we consider a great plus!

Many of you may be wondering how Bart got into Kodular. Paparazzi managed to capture a few behind-the-scenes images which may shed some light. 👀

Left: MIT App Inventor Summit 2019 | Right: FOSDEM 2020

They say you can't hear images, but the first one (August 2019) is definitely saying,
*Diego showing Bart how we work at Kodular*, *Bart realizing he wants to work at Kodular*
And the second one (February 2020) says:
*Bart negotiating the conditions with Diego, while Vishwas checks Diego does not say anything too st_pid*
It took Bart a few months to get the plan ready to work at Kodular.

Disclaimer: This is a joke; of course images don't speak

So, what is Bart going to work on? Bart will be working on Kodular Creator, albeit not the way the rest of us do. We at Kodular are currently looking to extending App Inventor's scope and the possibilities with it, and we felt an extra pair of hands (and brains) working alongside us would certainly help.

Bart is joining us as an Associate Developer. We hope to be able to share some updates in a few months.

Let’s give Bart a warm welcome to the team. I start!
Welkom, Bart! 🇳🇱

@Kodular Staff

