Phantasmic Desire in Seoul

Every element of “retro” comes down to a form of phantasmic interpellation.

Society produces phantasms that enthrall and beleaguer. The phantasmagoria, a procession of images, defines life and reality and what people even strive to become, especially if it sells (benefits) them. Thereby, people see themselves and others as mere figments of an externally constructed imagination.

a figment of the imagination; an apparition.
an illusory likeness of something.
a product of fantasy, as in an illusion, a ghost.

a sequence of real or imaginary images like those seen in a dream; a processsion of images.

The model Arya embodies phantasmic desire as channeled through the serabok.

If women (especially) are cognizant of the figmentary nature of their residual self-image and are aware of the mechanics of its mental projection, then it can not only be controlled and focused, it can be monetized and curated. Taking active control over the mechanics of its projection is a way to use the RSI to actually remake the self. Because where is the seat of the hypermodern self others than on the illusory screens that are the medium (media) of the phantasm?

