Braathu criticises Pristina Municipality for waste management

Spectator Kosovo
Kosovo Spectator
Published in
2 min readApr 2, 2019

Another criticism was addressed to Kosovo by Ambassadors in Pristina.

Now it is Head of the OSCE Mission Jan Braathu that criticized the Municipality of Pristina for not removing the debris from the area where the new zone of the capital is planned to be built.

External Link: kerko pune

The OSCE Ambassador in Kosovo Jan Braathu stopped for a few minutes and took photos of this area located in New Pristina neighbourhood in the capital, and he posted them on Facebook.

According to him, the debris dumped here is uglifying this place, and his friends need to see it.

External Link: Portal Pune

“Every city and every society have such waste, but it should be organised, and a more suitable place should be found to dump the waste, not just anywhere.

According to Braathu, this situation did not develop overnight, but for many years. In his view, it is up to government to intervene. More inspections should happen here.

“Honestly, I don’t know what they’re doing. I only see these things and I think that more needs to be done. I don’t know, but we can see the result. Here are the results. Everyone can see them. Kosovo is beautiful to be vandalised like this,” Ambassador Braathu said.

Adonis Tahiri, Pristina inspectorate director stated that based on the Regulation, municipal inspectors fine persons who are caught throwing waste here.

On the other hand, Burim Kelmendi, CEO of “Pastrimi” waste management enterprise, said that it was difficult for the enterprise to collect the debris because it lacks special equipment needed for this sort of waste.

However, there is someone outside the institutions who plans to clean this zone on 22nd April, as part of the clean environment campaign.

“We will certainly take a cleaning campaign action in that zone. Not only in that zone but also in Fusha e Pajtimit, because the situation is not better there either,” said Luan Hasanaj of Let’s Do It Kosova.

Braathu’s reaction came a few days after the criticism that the Swiss Ambassador Jean-Hubert Lebet addressed to Kosovo institutions for abusing funds, instead of supplying drinking water to ten villages in Skenderaj.

