German MPs: We support dialogue, not land swap

Spectator Kosovo
Kosovo Spectator
Published in
2 min readApr 2, 2019

Peter Bauer and Christian Schmidt, members of the German Bundestag said yesterday after meeting Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj, that they support dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia but not the idea of land swap.

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“Germany has a very clear position on this matter. We are against the idea. You cannot solve problems by creating new problems. He who thinks that he can solve the problem with this idea should be aware that this would create new problems not only for Kosovo but for the whole region,” Schmidt said.

“My colleague and I are here on an official visit to the Prime Minister. This is not our first visit, it is one of many visits in your country. Our readiness for Kosovo to join the European family is still there and we will continue working in that direction”.

Bauer was quoted as saying, “We are not here only on an official visit, but we are here among friends, because the people of Kosovo are friends of Germany. We have discussed future processes, and the process of dialogue, and we think it must continue. We have also addressed the issue of land swap and we oppose it in every aspect”. Haradinaj thanked the German MPs for their visit and said Kosovo is willing to further its cooperation with Germany.

“We talked about the progress of bilateral cooperation between Kosovo and Serbia. I confirmed my readiness to further our cooperation. I also expressed my appreciation for Chancellor Merkel. We are Kosovo, and we want to join Europe,” Haradinaj said.

Earlier, the German MPs also met with a group of officials from the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK). After the meeting, LDK leader Isa Mustafa said: “The senior German representatives reconfirmed their position on dialogue and borders which is fully in line with that of the LDK.”

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