Kisic: Talks on Kosovo Partition Should Be Stopped

Spectator Kosovo
Kosovo Spectator
Published in
2 min readMar 29, 2019

Izabela Kisic, executive director of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia, said on Thursday that talks on Kosovo partition should be stopped at once because they have dramatically worsened the situation of Serbs in Kosovo.

“A compromise between the two sides should not focus on land swap but rather on an overall better situation of the population,” Kisic said during a presentation of a report on the position of the Serb community in Kosovo.

She also said that Serbs living in the south and north of Kosovo are against partition and that they are now living in a worse situation than before.

“They feel fear and insecurity ever since talks for Kosovo’s partition have started and now, they can no longer plan their future in Kosovo. They fear that if the partition does happen, the people will be expelled, and the Serbs that will remain south of Ibar will be completely marginalized,” she added.

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Kisic said Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj has agreed with the recommendations of the 40-page report “and now we will have to wait and see if he will work on it”.

“Kosovo’s partition would mean the creation of ethnic states in the Balkans and this would be fatal not only for the Serb minority in Kosovo, but for all minorities in the region and Serbia itself,” she said. Kisic also argued that the Serbian List is “a pawn in Belgrade’s hands” and that it does not represent the interests of the Kosovo Serb community.

