Swiss Ambassador: We Fund Investments, You Pay Fake Veterans

Spectator Kosovo
Kosovo Spectator
Published in
2 min readMar 29, 2019

The Swiss Ambassador to Kosovo Jean-Hubert Lebet was firm on Wednesday in Skenderaj/Srbica. Although he came to inaugurate a project funded by Switzerland, Lebet said it was not normal that his Government funds projects, whereas Kosovo pays fake veterans.

“It is not normal that the Swiss Government funds the water supply system here, because we know that there is money in this country, too. We know that the estimation of this project is 2.5 percent of the budget amount for war veterans. If the money is saved and fake veterans are not funded, you will be able to construct more than one water supply system. It is very strange to see that in this country there are three times more civil servants than in the regional countries. It has been done enough in improving public administration, but more work is needed in this respect,” Jean-Hubert Lebet said.

But a quick reaction was addressed by the Kosovo Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli, who attended the event.

Veseli said that in the area where the water supply system was being inaugurated, there are many true fighters who used to be KLA members.

The water supply system that was inaugurated on Wednesday, will supply ten villages in Skënderaj/Srbica municipality. Over 11,000 residents will benefit from the project, which cost around 1.23 million euro.

Kosovo Minister: If I was to be asked, the Swiss Ambassador would be expelled

Kosovo Minister of Infrastructure, Pal Lekaj, called unacceptable the statement of the Swiss Ambassador to Kosovo, Jean-Hubert Lebet. Lekaj even said that if he was to be asked the Swiss Ambassador would be expelled for his statements.

“An ambassador should not deal with such issues. It is meaningless making a link of an investment with such a sensitive issue, such as war veterans. If I was to take a decision, I would expel him immediately.”

External Link: europass cv shqip

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