The problem is not the law, the problem is politics

Spectator Kosovo
Kosovo Spectator
Published in
1 min readMar 21, 2019

The US Ambassador Philip Kosnett says that the problem why corruption is not being fought in Kosovo is not the laws, but the politics that is meddling in hiring and in judiciary.

Kosnett, wrote after the meeting he had with Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj and discussions on fighting of corruption.

“At Prime Minister’s High Level Rule of Law meeting, I heard assurances Kosovo has the laws and resources it needs to fight corruption and implement equal justice for all citizens, without special treatment for the well-connected. But the problem is not the law, the problem is politics. Americans speak out because of our commitment to Kosovo’s future,” the US Ambassador wrote.

“Do Kosovo’s leaders have the political will to turn words to action and stop meddling in hiring and judiciary processes and do Kosovo’s citizens believe in Kosovo’s democracy enough to demand action? By the way, who’s missing from this photo? Kosovo succeeds when women lead,” Ambassador Kosnett wrote on Twitter.

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