Let’s also apply a run with Kotlin on our minds

Anton Spaans
The Kotlin Chronicle
6 min readMar 19, 2019

This is an overview of the functions let, also, apply, run and with in Kotlin and a guide to how you can use them.

Image of the exhibition of “5 Türen 2” by Gerhard Richter

This is not the first — and last — blog post on the Internet about the functions let, also, apply, run and with. They are part of the Kotlin standard library and developers use them often, and so do the developers in our company. With this blog post, I’ll be adding (yet another) guide on how to use them, and it is based on our experiences here at Intrepid.

Kotlin Receivers

Before continuing with the rest, let’s first explain what a receiver is in the Kotlin language, because the functions let, also, apply, and run are extension functions that operate on their receiver.

Nowadays, in modern Object Oriented Programming terminology, our code calls a method on an instance of a class. This executes a function (method) in the context of an object (instance of a class), usually referenced by the optional keyword this.

In older Object Oriented Programming parlance (Smalltalk), the function is often referred to as the message, while the instance is referred to as the receiver. The call sends the message to the receiver.

The receiver is the object on which a function is executed and, in Kotlin, this function can be a plain old instance method or it can be an extension function.

val arguments = ...
val result = arguments.apply { ... } // 'arguments' is the receiver
result.also { ... } // 'result' is the receiver

Now let’s dive into how we can choose the correct one.

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Use ‘apply’ for building or configuring objects

inline fun <T> T.apply(lambda: T.() -> Unit): T
Uses ‘apply’ for building a Bundle and configuring a Notification Builder

The apply function takes a lambda-with-receiver and…

  1. Provides its receiver to the lambda’s receiver
    Inside the lambda, the receiver can be used through the optional keyword this.
  2. Calls the lambda
    The code in the lambda configures or ‘builds’ the receiver.
  3. Returns its receiver
    The returned value is the configured/built receiver.

Use ‘also’ for executing side-effects on objects

inline fun <T> T.also(lambda: (T) -> Unit): T
Uses ‘also’ to print the ‘notification’ object

The also function takes a lambda with one parameter and…

  1. Provides its receiver to the lambda’s parameter
    Inside the lambda, the receiver can be used through the keyword it.
  2. Calls the lambda
    The code in the lambda executes side-effects on the receiver. Side-effects can be logging, rendering on a screen, sending its data to storage or to the network, etc.
  3. Returns its receiver
    The returned value is the receiver, but now with side-effects applied to it.

Use ‘run’ for transforming objects

inline fun <T, R> T.run(lambda: T.() -> R): R
Uses ‘run’ to transform the Map into a printable String of our liking

The run function takes a lambda-with-receiver and…

  1. Provides its receiver to the lambda’s receiver
    Inside the lambda, the receiver can be used through the optional keyword this.
  2. Calls the lambda and gets the its result of the lambda
    The code in the lambda calculates a result based on the receiver.
  3. Returns the result of the lambda
    This allows the function to transform the receiver of type T into a value of type R that was returned by the lambda.

Use ‘let’ for transforming nullable properties

inline fun <T, R> T.let(lambda: (T) -> R): R
Uses ‘let’ to transform the nullable property of Mapper into a printable String of our liking

The let function takes a lambda with one parameter and…

  1. Provides its receiver to the lambda’s parameter
    Inside the lambda, the receiver can be used through the keyword it.
  2. Calls the lambda and gets its result
    The code in the lambda calculates a result based on the receiver.
  3. Returns the result of the lambda
    This allows the function to transform the receiver of type T into a value of type R that was returned by the lambda.

As we can see, there is no big difference between the usage of run or let.

We should prefer to use let when

  • The receiver is a nullable property of a class.
    In multi-threaded environments, a nullable property could be set to null just after a null-check but just before actually using it. This means that Kotlin cannot guarantee null-safety even after if (myNullableProperty == null) { ... } is true. In this case, use myNullableProperty?.let { ... }, because the it inside the lambda will never be null.
  • The receiver this inside the lambda of run may get confused with another this from an outer-scope or outer-class. In other words, if our code in the lambda would become unclear or too muddled, we may want to use let.

Use ‘with’ to avoid writing the same receiver over and over again

inline fun <T, R> with(receiver: T, block: T.() -> R): R
Use ‘with’ to avoid writing ‘remoteControl.’ over and over again

The with function is like the run function but it doesn’t have a receiver. Instead, it takes a ‘receiver’ as its first parameter and the lambda-with-receiver as its second parameter. The function…

  1. Provides its first parameter to the lambda’s receiver
    Inside the lambda, the receiver can be used through the optional keyword this.
  2. Calls the lambda and get its result
    We no longer need to write the same receiver over and over again because the receiver is represented by the optional keyword this.
  3. Returns the result of the lambda
    Although the receiver of type T is transformed into a value of type R , the return value of a with function is usually ignored.

Use ‘run’ or ‘with’ for calling a function with multiple receivers

Earlier we discussed the concept of a receiver in Kotlin. An object not only can have one receiver, an object can have two receivers. For a function with two receivers, one receiver is the object for which this instance function is implemented, the other receiver is extended by the function.

Here’s an example where adjustVolume is a function with multiple (two) receivers:

In the above example of adjustVolume, this@AVReceiver is the instance-receiver and this@adjustVolume is the extended-receiver for theAudioSource.

The instance-receiver is often called the context. In our example, the extension-function adjustVolume for an AudioSource can be called in the context of an AVReceiver.

We know how to call a function on a single receiver. Just write receiver.myFunction(param1, param2) or something similar. But how can we provide not one but two receivers? This is where run and with can help.

Using run or with, we can call a receiver’s extension-function in the context of another receiver. The context is determined by the receiver of run, or the first parameter of with.

The ‘adjustVolume’ is called on an AudioSource in the context of an AVReceiver

Quick Recap

The return values and how the receivers are referenced in the lambda

The function apply configures or builds objects

The function also executes side-effects on objects

The function run transforms its receiver into a value of another type

The function let transforms a nullable property of a class into a value of another type

The function with helps you avoid writing the same receiver over and over again

- Bonus Points -

There are few more Standard Library Kotlin functions defined besides the five we talked about just now. Here is a short list of the other ones:

inline fun TODO(reason: String = " ... ") : Nothing
Todo throws an exception with the provided, but optional, reason. If we forget to implement a piece of code and don’t remove this todo, our app may crash.

inline fun repeat(times: Int, action: (Int) -> Unit): Unit
Repeat calls the provided action a given number of times. We can write less code using repeat instead of a for loop.

inline fun <T> T.takeIf(predicate: (T) -> Boolean) : T?
TakeIf returns the receiver if the predicate returns true, otherwise it returns null. It is an alternative to an if (...)expression.

inline fun <T> T.takeUnless(predicate: (T) -> Boolean) : T?
TakeUnless returns the receiver if the predicate returns false, otherwise it returns null. It is an alternative to an if(!...) expression.

If we need to code something like if (long...expression.predicate()), we may need to repeat the long expression again in the then or else clause. Use TakeIf or TakeUnless to avoid this repetition.

Have a Happy Kotlin!

List of other blog posts

If you enjoyed reading this article, here is a list of other articles that I wrote:



Anton Spaans
The Kotlin Chronicle

Associate Director of Product Engineering at @AccentureSong. You can find me online @streetsofboston or at https://www.linkedin.com/in/antonspaans/