The Kotlin Primer has a new home

Gabriel Shanahan
The Kotlin Primer
Published in
2 min readJan 1, 2024

Searchable, navigable, faster, and with 235 easter eggs.

The new Kotlin Primer

Hey everyone, Happy New Year!

It’s been a while since I’ve posted here, but that’s because I’ve been busy migrating the entire contents of the Kotlin Primer to its own, dedicated webpage, and I’m pleased to announce it’s finally finished. Check it out!

The new website makes all the articles easy to navigate and access, includes search capabilities, is mobile friendly, and is cached to an insane level — First Contentful Paint is 0.9s on desktop 🎉

At the same time, nothing is sacrificed — you can still find all the embedded Kotlin Playground widgets exactly where they were before. In fact, there are now 235 easter eggs hidden around the Primer (but, spoiler alert, they get progressively worse), and I fixed a whole bunch of minor mistakes along, so all the examples should now be able to run correctly.

The content itself hasn’t changed, although I do have plans to write a whole new section about functional programming and the Arrow library.

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