The Wealthiness Keeper — Miserable Virgin Girls

The keeper is the name of an ancient charm. At the time it appeared, Vietnam was still a backward country, the class was divided between the rich and the poor. To ensure that wealth and prosperity will follow them and their families forever, the rich ask the magicians to create a kind of cruel spell to protect the family’s prosperity.

Mohammad Metri (May 14, 2017)

The implementation of the spell will be done through 3 steps:

1. Preparation

The first thing that the performer needs are a mage who meets all three criteria:

  • Trust: some magicians take advantage of the practitioner’s trust to appropriate assets, even murder their families.
  • Knowledge: Only magicians who have worked for a long time have enough knowledge about magic, translation, incantations…
  • Power: not all mages have the ability and strength to perform this spell, even if they have enough knowledge
    The second most important element they need is a virgin:
  • This girl must be a virgin, this is a prerequisite for making this charm (sometimes the performer even asks that she has never loved anyone)
  • This girl must not be 3 months before her 18th birthday (before or after)
  • More specifically, this job of the girl must be completely voluntary (usually the girls will do it for money)
    The final key factor is the location:
  • It must be an area of ​​land at least 49m2 wide (according to the eastern concept, the number 49 has a strong connection with the gods)
  • This land must be so dark and heavy with yin
  • Make sure some people are passing through this land

2. Implement

  • After the death of the owner, their family will hold a funeral as usual and then bury them with at least half of their possessions.
  • After burying the owner, within 72 hours, they will bury the prepared girl. The girl must be well fed, bathed, and dressed in a white dress, with a red silk necklace around her neck (this necklace symbolizes the bondage as well as the loyalty of the keeper).
  • To avoid the girl escaping because of suffering, they had to break her left leg and tie her up.
  • She will be left in that land for 100 days, regardless of hunger and cold.
  • During the casting of the spell, one needs to make sure that no more than 3 people see the girl in that land.
  • After 100 days (when she is completely dead) people will come and bury her next to the coffin of the owner.
  • If these steps are not obeyed strictly, the charm will not work, even backfire (in some cases when the girl is too resentful, she may return to avenge the family of the deceased)

3. After implementation

  • It is believed that the girl’s spirit will protect the prosperity of that family.
  • All those who know the amount of wealth buried with their owners will be killed for unknown reasons.
  • Although the keeper of wealth only appeared in the old stories of old people, it is believed that somewhere in the world today someone still tries to perform this kind of cruel spell.

