
Does Tucker Carlson Want to Be President?

The TV demagogue seems to be aiming for the top job

Alexander Ziperovich
The Lame Duck
Published in
4 min readJul 8, 2021


Photo by Gage Skidmore at Flickr

As the recent undisputed master of paranoid political TV performance art, and at the vanguard of America’s incandescent white-hot racial rage, the Fox News primetime culture warrior seems to be trying to demonstrate that he can lead the hateful orchestra that is Republican politics as its newest conductor. In the grand American tradition of political hucksterism, from P.T. Barnum to Donald Trump, he is riling up the circus, placing his particularly poisonous brand of snake oil onto market with increasing ferocity and purpose.

Donald Trump threw open the gates and welcomed a wide array of fringe and unsavory characters into American conservatism, alongside an ever worsening assortment of more extreme political tendencies from those already ensconced within the Republican Party’s decaying firmament. The GOP’s conspiratorial antigovernment paranoia, xenophobia, racism, and perverted Christian nationalism are in part the deliberate brainchildren of Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump, both savvy creatures of American television media who understand the hypnotic power of their own oratory.

Indeed, Tucker Carlson seems to have learned the only lesson worth learning from Donald Trump for aspiring fascist…



Alexander Ziperovich
The Lame Duck

Essayist, opinion columnist, dyspeptic political analyst, historian. I spread anti-propaganda. @alexziperovich Also at alexziperovich.substack.com