3 Simple Reasons to Use a Textbook on Your Language Learning Journey

People who hate textbooks are missing the point.

Mathias Barra
The Language Learning Hub


Photo by AHMED HINDAWI on Unsplash

I used to hate textbooks just like the next guy.

The boring chapters, the pointless exercises, and, of course, the uninteresting teacher who didn’t even know how to do anything but read it like a standard book.

I only discovered how amazing they could be once I started learning on my own.

Textbooks are not the enemy. Using them the wrong way is.

For the past 15 years, I’ve gathered and used dozens of textbooks. I’ve turned crappy ones into useful parts of my learning journey.

I reckon everybody should consider using textbooks again.

Great for direction

The biggest mistake self-learners make with textbooks is following them from start to end.

Most textbooks are made to be used in class with a teacher. They have a curriculum that seems to make sense. They are made for Mister/Miss Everybody. Not for You.

Using textbooks in the chapter order is convenient but it doesn’t allow you to follow your curiosity urges.



Mathias Barra
The Language Learning Hub

French polyglot speaking 6 languages. Writer. Helping you learn languages. Get my new ebook → https://linktr.ee/MathiasBarra