If You Are Serious About Learning a Language, Forget What School Taught You

5 things I had to unlearn on my journey to polyglottery

Mathias Barra
The Language Learning Hub


Photo by coji_coji_ac on Photo AC

School can be great for many things. It could even be awesome for learning languages but that’s, unfortunately, not the case. We’ve all experienced it. We spend almost a decade learning a language in class only to forget it soon after we’re done.

Even though we know classes didn’t teach us well how to learn languages, most people who try to do so on their own later repeat the same errors.

Those people often soon give up learning a new language, thinking they’re “not cut out for it”. They’re wrong. The problem isn’t them. It’s the system they’re trying to use.

Even though I never learned well my languages in school, I’ve become a polyglot speaking 6 languages within a decade after I left school. This was all thanks to my efforts to get away from the failing systems school used.

If you’re really serious about learning a language, you’ll need to unlearn these. And it all starts with knowing what you should unlearn.

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Mathias Barra
The Language Learning Hub

French polyglot speaking 6 languages. Writer. Helping you learn languages. Get my new ebook → https://linktr.ee/MathiasBarra