The Easiest Way to Become a Polyglot Is to Not Try

Take the time to grow your family

Mathias Barra
The Language Learning Hub


Fun. That’s what being a polyglot is all about.

Unless you were born polyglot in a multilingual family (lucky you!), polyglots put efforts to reach a comfortable level to discuss in many languages. These efforts, though, aren’t all that hard to put in. They may be for other people but they aren’t for them. Because polyglots have made language-learning fun.

I didn’t learn the word “polyglot” until I became one. This means I never tried to become a polyglot. I had fun with the languages I learned and, one day, fell upon this term. I was happy to discover it and to notice I had become one.

If you already know the word, it’s too late for you to be as lucky as I was in my ignorance. It’s not too late to turn your focus back on the right things though.

Fun Fun Fun

Have you ever had fun in your native language? I suppose you have. Great. Now have you had fun while using a foreign language? Not yet? Then start with that.

Polyglots don’t separate language-study from fun activities. They merge them in a pile of fun learning.

They exchange with specific communities for their hobbies. They talk about knitting on forums made for…



Mathias Barra
The Language Learning Hub

French polyglot speaking 6 languages. Writer. Helping you learn languages. Get my new ebook →