Too Busy to Learn a Language? Here Are 7 Simple Ways to Start Today

No matter how hectic your life is right now

Mathias Barra
The Language Learning Hub


Photo by Brian Matangelo on Unsplash

For the past decade, the most common excuse I’ve heard for not learning a language is, without a doubt, that they don’t have enough time.

Whenever I hear it, I sigh because I know it’s not true. Unfortunately, it’s a mindset most people have. The only way I’ve found to break this thought pattern is to insert the language into their daily life without changing much.

As the weeks pass by, the language becomes part of them and learning a language becomes more than a wish. It becomes a need and that’s when they start making the time to dive into it.

Since you’re a busy person, let’s dive right in. Here are 7 simple things you could try today so you can begin learning a foreign language soon.

1. Listen to Slow Music on Repeat

Music is in our daily life already so why not change it to music in the language you wish to learn?

When you listen to slow music, you get to hear the words clearly. When you listen to a song on repeat, you become accustomed to the flow and pronunciation. Even before you start understanding anything, you could be able to sing along with the song.



Mathias Barra
The Language Learning Hub

French polyglot speaking 6 languages. Writer. Helping you learn languages. Get my new ebook →