6 AM

I love this beautiful morning

Indah Maulida
The Lark Publication
2 min readApr 4, 2022


Photo by Indah Maulida (Author)

6 a.m
I love this beautiful morning
It takes one kilometer away
to the nearest bus stop
But people love to walk,
so do I.

6 a.m
I am walking in this morning breeze
Look for something I never know
The hole on the road that I manage to avoid.
The group of cats that I purposely touch.
There is no direction for workless me
But I hope I am fine.

6 a.m
The students in tidy uniforms are running
and chattering to each other
with the laugh, the joke, the sigh
Then they shout, “I forget the homework!”
But I hope they are fine.

6 a.m
The employees in formal shirts are walking
and looking at their wristwatches
They don’t even glance at the chattering students
The unfinished work or the nerve-racking presentation
might be waiting for them
But I hope they are fine.

6 a.m,
A few older women with storage baskets
or plastic rattan bags are walking
They are ready to buy some ingredients
Either to make, to sell, or both
Carry all of them by themselves
But I hope they are fine.

6 a.m
The group of laborer men are walking
Some carry toolboxes and some with empty hands
Whatever kind of work — they do it
Labor from this morning to dusk
But I hope they are fine.

We, local people, are walking
and enjoying this beginning of the day
Today we might be tired
and disappointed
But we will be fine,
We will.

Hello, thank you for reading. You can check my other poetry here.

Thank you:)



Indah Maulida
The Lark Publication

Gloom makes you bloom. Like a flower. | Writer. Poet. English Instructor. Dreamer. | Support me here https://ko-fi.com/indahmaulida