A Beach of Diamond Stones


Merrianne Couture
The Lark Publication
1 min readJun 9, 2024


Photo by Author.

The accident of irony
that some loved beyond repair.
Many did not. Sharp and divided.
All sand and no spit makes
invisible skeleton threads
unlace like broken scissors
on metal. The scolding carved
moods unfriendly but known:
“I will see this to the end.”
The other lying happened on the
inside when you sent
the sanctimony and misspelled
your own name.
Or, was it mine?
So essential last several
towers. Chariots of suns.
Now a scapula shrug
of dislodged uncaring.
A continent of business
communication, all yours.
My feathers are
unhinged. Now tame.
Just like you said.
The song that you
snarled in purchase of
Historical desperation and
alcohol. You confessed.
There is a heart there.
Somewhere. Not mine.
The one who crossed
by me to die lives
away from this mess.
The bed you made
in a Disney Land of
garbage and tax evasion.
Toilets flush counter-clockwise.
Just like delusion.



Merrianne Couture
The Lark Publication

Experiment with writing. (she/her). All photos taken by me.