A Dark Introduction


Mike Vinson
The Lark


Photo by Yomex Owo on Unsplash

I am the one you should fear
you can't outrun me
you can't outsmart me
you can't hide from me
you can't make a deal with me
you can't buy me off
no one can stop me
no policeman, no gangster can't be sent after me
because I am already searching for them
no revenge can be taken against me
some cry in my presence
some get angry at my presence
and then some welcome me with open arms
some see me as their freedom as their rescuer a hero of such
there are more ways for me to take you out than you can count
I come for every man woman and child no matter their race,
stature of how good or bad they have been
I will take a child as quick as I will take an adult
you can beg and plead with me but there's no need
you can pray all you want to any god or deity
there's no need because I come in their name
the only way to heaven or hell is through me
I am dark, cold, relentless and I am invincible
I am death and I come for you all

-Mike Vinson



Mike Vinson
The Lark

I am a Taurus who loves to write movie scripts and movie treatments. My niche is writing about famous gangsters, music lyrics and poetry!