
A Gallery of Emotions Soothed and Painted by My Heart

A cherished memory — a life lesson — sublime

Indra Raj Pathak
The Lark Publication


Photo by Raychan on Unsplash

Come take a tour of my heart’s galleria,
Where love, pain, and joy interweave their tapestries.

Welcome to the corridors of my spirit,
Adorned with memories of beauty and merit.

Here, you’ll find the portrait of my first love,
A mosaic of colors, an image of a dove.

Though the years have passed, its hues still shimmer,
A timeless masterpiece, forever to remember.

Over there, behind the veil of red,
The canvas of heartbreak is etched in dread.

A tempest of emotions, uncontrolled and wild,
A reminder that love and loss are intertwined.

This painting, a celebration of life,
Vibrant, vivid, a kaleidoscope of wonder and strife.

A testimony to the power of resilience,
Of hope and faith, through every challenge’s brilliance.

In this corner, a sculpture of gratitude,
A form of love, unpretentious, and unshackled from attitude.

A constant reminder of life’s precious gifts,
Of simple pleasures, blessings, and shared uplifts.

From the depths of the heart to the trees overhead,
A gallery of emotions, painted and sculpted in thread.

Each piece tells a story, a moment in time,
A cherished memory, a life lesson, sublime.

May this tour of my heart’s gallery inspire,
To seek beauty in every moment, to light life’s fire.

For in the art of the heart, we find our truest home,
A sanctuary.

