A Lakota Voice

A poem

Felipe Leon U.
The Lark Publication


Colorful swirling lines that flow from a Teepee and a seated First Nations person, the lines form into animals and birds.
“Wilderness Sage” painted by the talented Laird Goulet, permission granted (see artist details below)

A Lakota voice rises
from a sigh
a tone new to my ear
a Lakota voice, a Sioux
a Plains, a Dakota rise over the drum.
The skin of the elk, the buffalo, the deer
taut, yet giving rhythm
the skin still
keeping pace with the living.

As the Lakota voice falls
catches the wind —
it begins to roll as the wind —
rolling syllables
strongly moving brittle winter branches
invisible sound through the trees
as the Lakota sings.

The sound of water
deep and roaring
the voice of the Dakota
unknown to untrained ears
yet familiar
reflecting nature

Then sharply
like a burst of migratory plumage
the sounds of Young Grey Horse
as thousands of birds
that soar, together through the night,
descend onto plentiful feeding grounds
landing in a…



Felipe Leon U.
The Lark Publication

This bio belongs to two people. My younger self, who wrote poems before the founders of Medium were born, and my present self, who has begun writing again.