A Letter From My Children’s Mother


S M Hasnain
The Lark Publication
3 min readApr 8, 2024


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Just from two handfuls of clay,

I have fashioned for you, love,

A new life and a new world!

And my love so overwhelmed me,

That a rival for your love,

I created for myself!

When of loyalty brimful,

I, the world of madness, entered,

There I found this bright red ruby-

Of all rubies the most fair;

This, the emblem of my pride,

Is the answer to your prayers,

Those innumerable complaints,

That you, in the quiet evenings,

Were so softly wont to make;

This the roof of adoration,

Of my loyalty and faith.

When my soul absorbed the light,

Both his eyes commenced to glow;

This, the essence of my life –

Sometimes laughter, often pain;

And the eagle’s sheer swoop;

And the bulbul’s melody;

And an emperor’s proof of love;

An entreaty of the slave;

An invaluable prize of a priceless goblet, fine.

This the meaning of your dreams, and my longing’s lovely face;

From myself I have created

A true image of yourself; And across the wastelands, parched,

I have spread a spread of flowers;

On each breath I have inscribed,

The beloved’s name and love.

And when I went out in search of,

Rapturous madness of your dreams,

There I found for your Khanate,

A much better Khan than you;

And when I, in both your wings,

The wild eagle’s longing, saw,

From your spirit I created,

This, the eagle of your dreams,

And the longing of your life.

These two finely-formed red lips

Of the Saki, and red wine;

In the burning of desire,

Music’s melody divine;

And atop the niche of prayer,

Goblet bubbling with delight.

In the commons of oblivion,

I hav demarcated life;

Expectations of tomorrow

Have exchanged for yesterday;

And when I became a dream,

Both of longing and of search,

In your dark, benighted palace,

Radiant candles were then lit.

From two handfuls of bare clay,

Two new things have I today,

Freshly fashioned for your use;

A new life and a new world;

And my love, ever so strong,

Has compelled me to create,

Yet another love for you.

My entire life, complete,

I have wagered on just one

Of your longings; indiscreet,

To the potter, I gave up

All my consciousness, to make

On the wheel, for you, a cup.

And when all of you became

For Majnoon, another name,

All of me was then transformed

Into Laila of the night;

When you became all colour,

And Khayyam, I then took on

The ‘flower-limbed’ form of Saki,

And the sparkling wine of spring,

And when you became Moses,

And the Mount of Toor as well,

I became a flash of beauty,

And a spark of blinding light!

And when you became the longing,

And commotion of my love,

I became rapturous communion’s,

Perfect setting, wherewithal;

And when you became a spark,

Of the fire as it burned,

I became the raging flame,

As it crackled and it curled.

When your heart went out searching,

I became the path and guide;

When your lips thirsted for wine,

The red wine of ecstasy,

Then my own dear beloved,

I became the cup and wine;

And when you asked for light,

I became the true dawn of Spring.

When you fall in love with darkness,

I became a winter’s eve.

When you took the name of Uzza,

Then I lit up a candle,

To the entity of death.

When you expressed intent,

To perform the rites of Haj,

Then I put on, instantly,

The white robes of Haj — Ihram.

Just from two handfuls of clay,

I have fashioned for you, love,

A new life and a new world!

And my love so overwhelmed me,

That a rival for your love,

I created for myself!



S M Hasnain
The Lark Publication

Passionate writer exploring politics, religion, poetry, society, art, literature, and culture intricacies.