A Lonely Mother


Summi Sinha
The Lark Publication
2 min readApr 30, 2023


Photo by Birmingham Museums Trust on Unsplash

A lonely mother stares at the wall,
of an old age home;
perhaps, a knock at the door;
a familiar voice, to call her aloud
a soft touch that was her own,
to hold her tight,
until she weeps her heart out.
Bereft she was left all alone,
loneliness was her soulmate,
all through her barren age
She was blessed to be a mother of a hundred sons,
every time she had reached out to her elders
but nobody blessed her with a child
who can call her, his own, his mom
time takes a toll,
her own strolled away slowly
one by one,
she was left on her own
she died among strangers
she had never met before!
Some money in her name
to light her pyre
but not a hand in prayer,
not a tear in farewell
for her departed soul.
How selfish of you man,
not a thought for the one
who bear and reared you;
till you flew away
she had gone through her empty nest,
wandered and pondered for a while,
aimlessly what next?
She had no jobs left
but she let you fly away:
winnowing was so difficult
and still, she let you go,
she was your mother
she knew you best.
Ohh! All the wayward of this planet
standing on the swampy corridors of the golden dust
that shall perish but back home your mother,
awaits to see you once
come back home
hug your moms tight,
tell her she is wanted
she doesn't need much
only a few kind words
before she leaves this world!



Summi Sinha
The Lark Publication

Writing is a passion for me and especially poetry, have already published two books , My Pink bougainvilleas and Wren blooms, read them and love them!