A Look Inside The Telescope

Gerald Washington
The Lark
Published in
1 min readFeb 1, 2022


Photo by Simon Delalande on Unsplash

What is this mystery device?
That my parents brought home with so much size
Dad wasted no time trying to put it together
After an hour of construction, the whole family would gather
Seeing my parents and my sisters look in the device had me curious
After thirty minutes, I still didn’t get my turn… I was feeling furious
Finally, my turn had come
To look inside this device called the telescope
Putting my left eye into the hole… I was hooked
Just amazed by how beautiful those bright stars and the moon look
My eye felt like it was in outta space
For a few minutes, I forgot I was in this southern place
I didn't want to leave the telescope
But knew, my family would want to look through it again
The telescope made me see those stars in a different light
We all stared at the clear sky for the remainder of the night



Gerald Washington
The Lark

Just a curious writer/blogger trying to navigate a complex world. Sharing my words helps a lot with that.